Product:First Craic | Cold Brew Coffee 

Owner: Jack Lidholm 
​Story: ​Through knowledge, passion, months of trial-and-error and two humble heros (ethical coffee and filtered water), First Craic was born, Ireland’s first producer of cold brew coffee. 
Why cold brew you ask? 
Many coffee lovers find regular brewed coffee too acidic. It is estimated that over 54 million people in America alone suffer heartburn, 75% of whom say beverages such as coffee can be the cause of it. 
Although a favorite among millions of coffee drinkers – from regular folk to connoisseurs – for more than forty years, many consumers are only now discovering the benefits of cold-brewed coffee. 
Cold-brewing ground beans produces a coffee that is naturally low in acid – approximately 67% less acidic than coffee brewed by conventional hot-brew methods. 
First Craic believes that coffee-on-the-go is best crafted using only high-quality, natural, ethically-sourced ingredients, plus a commitment to oversee every step of our production process. They are determined that every batch of handcrafted cold brew serves up the quality of specialty coffee. 
First Craic is a rich, smooth, naturally sweet coffee without the bitterness and acidity of hot brewed coffee. With an endless number of unique flavour combination possibilities, get ready to tailor your brew to your taste.  
For information on Jack’s journey, you can follow his Facebook, Instagram and website